Bambu HLS
Bambu HLS
- Download the Bambu AppImage
- Run bambu on the C file, this will generate the necessary verilog code and the necessary scripts for synthesis
- Optimization flags have impact on the final design a. -O3 b. -ftree-vectorize c. -finline-limit=100000
# Basic usage
bambu <file> --top-fname=<top-fn>
bambu main.c --top-fname=top
# Generate Verilog for given device
bambu <file> --top-fname=<top-fn> --device-name=<device-name>
bambu main.c --top-fname=top --device-name=xc7a100t-1csg324-VVD
# Generate Verilog for given device at given clock frequency
bambu <file> --top-fname=<top-fn> --device-name=<device-name>
bambu main.c --top-fname=top --device-name=xc7a100t-1csg324-VVD --clock-period=10
# Create test bench
bambu <file> --top-fname=<top-fn> --device-name=<device-name> --simulator=VERILATOR
# Run the simulation
Memory interfaces
Default behaviour
For the following code
void min_max(int * input, int num_elements, int * max, int * min)
int local_max = input[0];
int local_min = input[0];
int i = 0;
for(i = 0; i < num_elements; i++)
if(input[i] > local_max)
local_max = input[i];
else if(input[i] < local_min)
local_min = input[i];
*min = local_min;
*max = local_max;
the signals created will be
input clock - Clock
input reset; - Reset
input start_port; - Start port
input [31:0] \input - Base address to read from
input [31:0] num_elements - User args
input [31:0] \max ; - User args
input [31:0] \min ; - User args
input [63:0] M_Rdata_ram; - RData from RAM to module
input [1:0] M_DataRdy; - RAM sets this signal to High to receieve request
// OUT
output done_port; - Done port
output [1:0] Mout_oe_ram; - Output enable
output [1:0] Mout_we_ram; - Write Enable
output [63:0] Mout_addr_ram; - Address of RAM
output [63:0] Mout_Wdata_ram; - Value to write to RAM
output [11:0] Mout_data_ram_size - Size of valid bits in response
Passing reference
If we are returning a value by passing the pointer then we need to use the HLS_interface
#pragma HLS_interface <variable_name> none
#pragma HLS_interface c none
void sum(int a, int b, int *c)
*c = a + b;
If we want an AXI interface
#pragma HLS_interface <variable_name> m_axi direct bundle=<bundle_name>
```c #pragma HLS_interface a m_axi direct int reduce(int *a, int n) { *c = a + b; }