


  • -S - Stop compilation process at assembly and output a .s assembly file
  • -E - Stop compilation process at preprocessor step
  • -c - Run the entire compilation and create object file
  • -o - Links multiple .o files into a single executable
  • -shared - Specify to create a shared library .so
  • -fPIC - Position Independent Code, this is specified when creating a shared library
  • -Wl,option - Pass option to the linker eg) -Wl,rpath=dir
  • -Wl,rpath=dir - rpath adds a path to runtime libraries

Shared library

  • -Idir - Add a directory to the list of directory where headers are present
  • -isystem dir - Add a directory to the list of directories where system headers are present
  • -llibrary - Search for a library when linking
  • -Ldir - Add directory to the list when searching for libraries defined in -l


  • -Wall - Warn all turns on most complier warnings
  • -Wextra - Include extra compiler warnings
  • -Werror - Treat warnings as errors


  • -std=c++11 - Sets the standard as C++11
  • -pedantic - Using this will cause a compiler to throw an error when using features which conflict with ISO C or ISO C++


  • -fopenmp - Mention to the compiler to use OpenMP

(Needed in MacOS)

  • -Xpreprocessor
  • -lomp


  • -O<n> - n is the level of optimization -O3, -O1, etc


  • -fverbose-asm