The Design and Implementation of FFTW3



Paper on the implementation of FFTW3.

FFTW3 is a DFT algorithm that computes FFT in \(O(NlogN)\)


DFT is given as \(Y[k] = \sum_{j=0}^{n-1}X[j]e_n^{2 \pi i / n}\)

The complexity of DFT is \(O(N^2)\)


I/O tensors

DFT is expressed in I/O tensors, which is in turn expressed in terms of IO dimensions.

  • I/O dimension d is a triple \(d = (n, i, o)\), where n is non-negative integer length, i is the input stride and o is the output stride
  • I/O tensor is a set of I/O dimensions \(t = \{d_1, d_2, ... dn\}\)

\(dft(N, V, I, O)\) consists of 2 I/O tensors and two pointers I, O.

\(dft(\{\}, \{\}, I, O)\)
\(O(0) := I(0)\)

\(dft(N, \{(n, i, o)\} \cup V, I, O)\) is a loop of n problems \(0 \le k \lt n\) in \(dft(N, V, I + k . i, O + k .o)\)

N is the size of the problem, V is the vector size.
Or \(|V|\) nested loops of \(|N|-dimensional FFT\)

\(copy\_i(t)\) is a I/O tensor $${(n, i, i) (n, i, o) \in t}$$
\(copy\_o(t)\) is a I/O tensor $${(n, o, o) (n, i, o) \in t}$$

The two pointers I and O specify memory locations of input and output. if I = O then the problem is in place. A I/O tensor for which \(i_{k}\) = \(o_{k}\) for all k is said to be in-place

DFT as I/O tensors

A \(n_1 \times n_2\) matrix is stored as row major \(n_2\) contiguous arrays for each row, stored in \(n_1\) consecutive blocks, it can be represented as \(X = \{(n_1, n_2, n_2), (n_2, 1, 1)\}\)

2D DFT for this matrix is finding the rank-2, vector-rank-0 \(dft(X, \{\}, I, O)\) or \(dft(\{(n_1, n_2, n_2), (n_2, 1, 1)\}, \{\}, I, O)\)

\(dft(\{\}, X, I, O)\) denotes copy from input to output, or \(dft(\{\}, \{(n_1n_2, 1, 1)\}, I, O)\)

Plans in FFTW

Solve a DFT represented as I/O tensors

  • Reduce a problem of arbitary vector rank to vector rank 0
  • Reduce multi dimensional DFT to rank-1 problems(1D FFT problems).
  • Solve rank 1, vector 0 problem by means of some algorithm

A plan involves finding the best permutation of these steps

no-op plans

No operations are done

rank-0 plans

  • $$ V = 1, I \ne O $$ input is copied to output
  • $$ V = 2, I = O$$ matrix transposition problem

rank-1 plans: 1D Fourier transforms

direct plans

When n is small enough direct plan is used

\(dft(\{n,i,o\}, V, I, O) where |V| \le 1, n \in {2, 4, ... 64}\) FFTW has codelets to solve for these low n values. User to add hand-written machine-specific codelets if desired

$$ V =0\(is straight line code.\) V =1$$ is loop wrapped straight line code
Cooley-Tukey Plans

For the type \(dft(\{n,i,o\},V,I,O), n=rm\) radix-r Cooley-Tukey plan.

Planner generates several values of r and chooses the best one.

  • Decimation in Time plan: radix \(n_2\) plan
    1. Solve \(dft(\{(m,r.i,o)\},V \cup \{(r,i,m.o)\},I,O)\)
    2. Multiply output O by twiddle factors
    3. Solve \(dft(\{(r,m.o,m.o)\},V \cup \{(m,o,o)\},O,O)\) 2 and 3 are fused together in a codelet
  • Decimation in Frequency plan:
    1. Solve \(dft(\{(r,m.i,m.i)\},V \cup \{(m,i,i)\},I,I)\)
    2. Multiply input I by twiddle factors
    3. Solve \(dft(\{(m,i,r.o)\},V \cup \{(r,m.i,o)\},I,O)\) 1 and 2 are fused together in a codelet

    DIF destroys input buffer

Higher ranks

Reduce to lower ranks and solve recursively

To solve \(dft(N,V,I,O)\), where $$N=N_1 \cup N_2, N_1 \ge 1 N_2 \ge 1$$

Solve \(dft(N_1, V \cup N_2, I, O)\), then solve \(dft(copy\_o(N_2), copy\_o(V \cup N_1), O, O)\)

Higher vector ranks

To solve \(dft(N,V,I,O)\), where \(V=\{(n,i,o)\} \cup V_1\)

Loop over \(0 \le k < n\) and solve \(dft(N,V_1,I+k.i,O+k.i)\)

Indirect plans

Indirect plans transform DFT problems that require shuffling into a problem that requires no shuffling + rank-0 problem that requires shuffling

\(dft(N,V,I,O) |N| \ge 0\) can be solved by solving \(dft(\{\}, V, I, O)\) and then solving \(dft(copy\_o(N), copy\_o(V), O, O)\)

Other plans

  • Buffer plans solve out-of-place or non-contiguous memory problems.
  • Real/Imaginary plans - solving read and imaginary separate then combine them
  • Parallel - Distributed and Threaded

Avenues to explores

  • User codelets