Original Dwitter by FireFly


This incredibly amazing piece of code produces 48 procedural generated sprites on screen

Sprite sheet screenshot


Let’s start by formatting the code

for (
  i = 2e3;
  !t && i--;
  Math.random() > (X ** 2 + (Y - 4) ** 2) ** 0.5 / 6 && f(7) + f(-7)
  (X = i & 3),
    (Y = (i >> 2) & 7),
    (f = (m) =>
        240 * ((i >> 5) & 7) + 120 - X * m,
        180 * (i >> 8) + 50 + Y * 7,

Hmm, no luck trying to figure out directly, after spending sometime brought it to this


  • Based on Math.random() > (X ** 2 + (Y - 4) ** 2) ** 0.5 / 6 fill pixel
  • Fill both sizes for symmetry
  • X and Y are the last 5 bits of i
  • X -> [0, 3], Y -> [0, 7]
  • i is split as yyyxxxYYYXX
  • (240 * Xpx) and (180 * Ypx) are used to repeat the pattern as tiles
const Sprite = () => {
  for (i = 2e3; i--; ) {
    // 11111010000 - 2000
    // yyyxxxYYYXX
    // X and Y are the last 5 bits of i
    const X = i & 3; // Last 2 bits, so X is 0, 1, 2, 3
    const Y = (i >> 2) & 7;
    const Xpx = (i >> 5) & 7;
    const Ypx = i >> 8;
    const fill = (m) => {
      x.fillRect((240 * Xpx) + 120 - (X * m), (180 * Ypx) + 50 + (Y * 7), 7, 7);

    if (Math.random() > (X ** 2 + (Y - 4) ** 2) ** 0.5 / 6) {
      // Fill both sides for symmetry

Let’s tear it down a bit more to a single sprite

woff - horizontal offset
hoff - vertical offset

The condition (X ** 2 + (Y - 4) ** 2) ** 0.5 / 6) is an equation of a circle, we are checking if X and Y lie inside the circle, who’s radius is Math.random() * 6.

The main params that generate the sprite is the equation of the circle and the pair (woff - X, hoff + Y).

Each pair represents a quadrant of the circle

There are 4 diff pairs

  • (woff + X, hoff + Y) Quad 1
  • (woff - X, hoff + Y) Quad 2
  • (woff - X, hoff - Y) Quad 3
  • (woff + X, hoff - Y) Quad 4

We use the first two quadrants, for the sprite

Why does X -> [0, 3], Y -> [0, 7]?

We specifically use (Y - 4) as we are using the first two quadrants. It’s X -> [0, 3], Y -> [0, 3] for first quadrant and X -> [0, 3], Y -> [-3, 0] for the second quadrant.

const Sprite = (woff, hoff) => {
  for (i = 31; i--; ) {
    const X = i & 3;
    const Y = (i >> 2) & 7;

    const fill = (m) => {
      x.fillRect(woff - (X * m), hoff + (Y * 7), 7, 7);

    if (Math.random() > (X ** 2 + (Y - 4) ** 2) ** 0.5 / 6) {
      // Fill both sides for symmetry


  • Consider all points X, Y; if X and Y lies within the circle (X**2 + Y**2) = (6 . Math.random)**2, then we fill the pixel
  • We fill the first two quadrants for symmetry of the resultant, hence the (Y - 4)**2